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WARSAW – Some of the cremations at Oakwood Cemetery have had issues with paperwork.
Sexton Hal Heagy told the Oakwood Cemetery Board of Regents on Thursday, Sept. 1, that monument compani
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LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A famed, professional baseball player known for leading “The Best Black Team You’ve Never Heard Of” was honored in Louisville Thursday.
People unveiled a monument for Felton Snow, known for leading the Negro
Many Yakima voters are looking for a way to not vote for 4th District Congressman Dan Newhouse in the general election. Many people are upset at Newhouse because of his vote to impeach President Donald Trump. Some are suggesting voters write-in familiar names like Franklin County Commissi
“IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit” takes over Smithsonian March 5-27
Some of the brightest minds in science and technology are visiting the Smithsonian this month. But instead of a one-night lecture circuit, these scientists, who do everything fro
Tue, 09/28/2021 - 08:45am | By: Ivonne Kawas
The biennial University of Southern Mississippi (USM) Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition, sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Art and Design program and Partners for the Ar
Garden statues need to be protected from winter snow and ice. (Fran Kittek / Morning Call file lphoto)
As winter approaches, ornamental structures and decorations need some attention. Most materials, even solid stone, are not impervious to the damaging effects of winter weather.
Matt Jakob and his daughter, Riley Jakob, 2, step inside sculpture "Hallow" at Morton Arboretum on May 25, 2021, in Lisle. "Human+Nature" is the large-scale art installation that showcases five sculptures by South African artist Daniel Popper. (Abel Uribe / Chicago Tribune)
The new larg
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For Jordan Mendelson, 28, living in a luxury building with a rooftop swimming pool, private gym, floor-to-ceiling views of Manhattan, the Hudson River and Statue of Liberty all a stone’s throw from New York City sounded
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